


全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00



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上海博华美国高中12月23日圣诞节提要! 精彩不容错过!

Shanghai Ivy School’s December 23rd Christmas Spectacular!


What do people usually do to celebrate Christmas?


People celebrate Christmas Day in many ways. In the days or even weeks before Christmas Day, many people decorate their homes and gardens with lights, Christmas trees and much more. It is common to organize a special meal, often consisting of turkey and a lot of other festive foods, for family or friends and exchange gifts with them. Children, in particular, often receive a lot of gifts from their parents and other relatives and the mythical figure Santa Claus. This has led to Christmas Day becoming an increasingly commercialized holiday, with a lot of families spending a large part of their income on gifts and food.


Many Sunday schools, churches and communities organize special events. These can include decorating the neighborhood or a shopping mall, putting up a Christmas tree and planning a Nativity display, concert or performance. A lot of plays and songs have an aspect of Christmas as a theme. Some groups arrange meals, shelter or charitable projects for people without a home or with very little money.


How we will celebrate Christmas!



The Christmas Show will begin at 10:00 A.M.

The program will be as follows,


圣诞赞歌 --- 9年级

A Christmas Carol presented by Grade 9!

舞蹈 -- 11A班

Dance performance presented by 11A!

小品:高铁换座 -- 10A班!

A Sketch from 10A!

歌曲串烧 -- 周如楠, 陈婉莹, 刘熙恒

Musical performances by Delta, Lisa and Julio!

小品:廉价航空 -- 于海笑、陆佳颖

A Sketch from Oscar & Brage!

歌曲 – 音乐社

Musical performance from the Music Club!

舞蹈 --- 舞蹈社

Dance performance presented by the Dance Club!

The Christmas Show will be followed by classroom activities in each classroom


412 教室 --- 观看电影 (Elf)

412 – Elf!

413教室 – 观看电影 (Hook)

413 – Hook!

415教室- 圣诞节杀手迷游戏

415 – Christmas Murder Mystery!

416/420 教室 – 制作姜饼屋

416 / 420 – Create Gingerbread Houses!

417教室- 观看电影 (Home Alone!)

417 – Home Alone!

418教室- 提供热巧克力,提供圣诞福利

418 – Hot Cocoa and Christmas Treats!

419教室- 提供饼干、蛋糕、甜点

419 – Cookies, Cakes and something Sweet!

In addition, we will have drawings every half hour to for a lucky student to bring home their very own special Christmas Gift!


The class with the most Christmas Spirit will win a trip to for the class to the movie theater!


How can your class show the most Christmas Spirit?


1. Turn on the holiday tunes. Nothing gets you in the holiday spirit faster than music. ...


2. Wear Christmas colors, anything white, red, gold, silver or green will do!


3. Participate in all the games and activities on offer during the Christmas Spectacular!

3. 积极参与圣诞游戏和活动!

4. Be sure that your class builds the best Gingerbread house available!

4. 做出精美的姜饼屋!

5. Make sure your classroom is neat and orderly before, during and after the Christmas Party!

5. 圣诞节活动从头至尾教室都要保持干净整洁哦!




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